Create Your Account

Welcome to the Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association – British Columbia. CMBA-BC continues to deliver opportunities to further your education and enhance your professional development.  High caliber speakers and a variety of topics are offered at seminars and our annual conference.  Attend our networking events and make connections with key industry professionals to enhance your business portfolio.  CMBA-BC events are exclusive to members.  Become a member today!

The contact information you provide will appear on the CMBA-BC website and in the CMBA-BC annual printed directory. It will also be used for mailings and email broadcasts from the association. You can manage your account directly if your contact information changes.

The CMBA-BC Board of Directors meet monthly to approve pending memberships. A new member package will be sent to you upon approval.

Membership Categories
GST will be added to membership fees

Corporate Member - $649.00 per year
The Corporate Member shall be a corporation or a person who is a sole proprietor, registered to practice as a Mortgage Broker in accordance with the Mortgage Broker Act and is active in a Mortgage Broker business Company. Each Corporate Member through its Designated Individual shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting and serve as a Director of the Society. If the Corporate Member has more than one registered individual operating under its brokerage registration, each such registered individual should be encouraged to be a Member of the Society.

Individual Voting Member - $229.00 per year
The Individual Member shall be an active Sub-Mortgage Broker registered in accordance with the Mortgage Brokers Act including Designated Individual.

Individual Voting Associate Member - $249.00 per year
Members in this category shall be registered as a Mortgage Broker or Sub-Mortgage Broker in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia but are not an active Mortgage Broker. This Membership category is designed for a Member whose primary occupation is not as a Mortgage Broker.

Individual Non-Voting Associate Member - $249.00 per year
The individual in this category is not registered as a mortgage broker and does not carry on the business of mortgage brokering. This category does not have voting rights.

Membership Category

Membership Category:

Questions? Contact Member Services at

Individual's Account Information

Note that if you select a recurring billing option, your credit card will be automatically charged on a yearly basis to ensure your membership is kept current.

Recurring Billing Choice:
Confirm Password:

Contact Information

BCFSA Member ID: * If you are not a member leave blank
First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:
Cell Phone:
I consent to receiving email communcations from CMBA-BC:
Web Site:

Mailing Address (Optional)

Postal Code:

Terms of Membership

I agree with the above statement.

Please note that Corporate membership includes one Individual membership.

Corporate Account Information

Note that if you select the recurring billing option, your credit card will be automatically charged on a yearly basis to ensure your membership is kept current.

Recurring Billing Choice:
Confirm Password:

Contact Information

Company Trade Name:
Company Legal Name:
BCFSA Broker License Number:
Contact Person Title:
Contact Person First Name:
Contact Person Last Name:
Company Address:
Postal Code:
Cell Phone:
Contact Person Email:
Contact person consents to receiving email communcations from CMBA-BC:
Company Web Site:

Mailing Address (Optional)

Postal Code:

Terms of Membership

I hereby certify that I am authorized to submit this membership application on behalf of our Company. By completing this application and submitting payment, our Company agrees to comply with the Canadian Mortgage Brokers Association – British Columbia's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, along with any future updates approved by the Association's Board of Directors. I also confirm that our Company have met all requirements for its registration as Mortgage Broker under the B.C. Mortgage Brokers Act. I understand that CMBA-BC relies on this information to maintain high and consistent membership standards and reserves the right to deny membership or renewal.

I agree with the above statement.