Expert Series – Economic Conditions and Forecast
Title: | Expert Series - Economic Conditions and Forecast |
Location: | Delivered in an Interactive Zoom Environment |
Start date: | 24 May, 2023 |
Cost: | $0.00 for members or $45.00 for non-members |

Expert Series – Economic Conditions and Forecast
Presented by CMBA-BC & MBIBC
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 9:30AM
FREE For CMBA-BC Members
$45 + Tax for Non-Members
Every client wants their mortgage broker to have a crystal ball telling them how high interest rates will go, when interest rates will be increased or decreased, in what regions prices are up and where they are down, and any number of other matters impacting mortgage decisions. Unfortunately, we have no crystal ball to offer. However, we can offer you valuable advice from our speaker Bryan Yu, the Chief Economist at Central 1 Credit Union. Central 1’s is the central financial facility, liquidity manager, payments processor and trade association for the provincial credit union systems of B.C. and Ontario. It provides leadership, advocacy, technology and a range of support services in fulfillment of these key functions. What Bryan thinks and says matters. While he communicates in a straightforward and easy-to-follow manner, his knowledge of the area is deep and the information he provides is invaluable.
Our moderator Kelly Curtis will keep the discussion focused on matters of particular importance to you, drawing not only on her considerable knowledge and experience but as informed by you and our other attendees asking questions in real time.
This webinar will make you a more informed and complete broker. It will make you better able to conduct your business. We look forward to seeing you!
Bryan Yu
As Central 1 Chief Economist, Bryan Yu leads a team of economists conducting macro- and regional economic analysis for the organization and the broader credit union system. He authors many of the team’s flagship economic and housing outlook reports and weekly notes. Bryan speaks regularly at credit union and industry events and is frequently contacted by media to provide national and provincial economic commentary.
Within Central 1, he also sits on various risk and treasury committees, manages construction of forward-looking indicators for IFRS9, and analysis of credit union system financial performance. Bryan joined Central 1 in 2010, and previously worked as a housing economist for the BC Real Estate Association and CMHC.
Bryan holds a MA in Economics from Simon Fraser University and a BA from the University of Manitoba. He currently serves on the boards of SUCCESS, BC Paraplegic Foundation and Canadian Association for Business Economics.
Kelly Curtis
Kelly started her career in real estate as an agent in the 1980s. She has been a mortgage broker since 1990 and a member of CMBA for approximately 30 years. She has owned and led her own franchise, Mortgage Designers at Mortgage Architects, since 2006. Kelly has constantly been involved in giving back to the mortgage industry, including as a member of CMBA’s Education Committee, a two-year stint as CMBA’s Vice President, and as a CMBA Director for sixteen years. Kelly has also been a member of the MBIBC Board and CMBA’s national education committee.